Milk Bar 1 Ezi Lock 8L – Inside Pen

$86.71 excludes taxes

Product Code: 910130

  • Single feeder
  • Hangs inside the pen and sits securely against the rail.
  • Doesn’t move when calves push against the teat and is ideal in pens or hutches where calves have more space.
  • Comes fitted with a Milk Bar Teat and Ezi Lock Hooks
SKU: AGRI-MB 8L - ISP Categories: , , ,


Product Code: 910131

The Milk Bar™ 1 Ezi Lock is the choice for large operations where efficiency is the key. The Ezi Lock Hooks allow the feeder to be used on any type of rail or gate up to 75mm. The calf rearer can flip the feeder out after feeding to keep the teat away from calves and to fully drain. The hooks are 100% bunt proof so if your feeding loads of calves youre not spending the day picking dirty feeders up off the ground! Hooks are positioned so the feeder can be hung either outside or inside the pen, this feeder sits on the inside of the pen.

How to Use:
With Ezi Lock Hooks you can hang this feeder on anything from wooden rails to hutch gates. Simply hang the feeder in place, lock the hooks and fill with milk. After feeding you can either remove the feeder, or flip it upside down until the next feed. To give your calves the best drinking position, hang the feeder on a rail around 100 cm high. This puts the teat at 60cm which is the optimum height for calves and helps the oesophageal groove to close and milk to bypass the rumen.

How do I change my teats?
Milk Bar Teats have a pull through design to sit snugly against the feeder wall for optimum hygiene. However, while this is the most hygienic system, it can also be difficult to change teats! Use a Teat Tool: This is by far the easiest method. The purpose designed Teat Tool plucks the teat from the feeder with minimal effort in seconds. Pull the teats out by hand: When removing by hand, make sure to either pull the teat directly down or up. If you try to pull the teat straight out, it will be a tough job!

Cut the teats out: Make sure the blade is sharp and you use the knife away from you. Be sure to check the teat alignment is correct and the slit is vertical!

Recommended Cleaning Protocol:
  1. Rinse your teats with water.
  2. Use a gentle detergent, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Do not use Chlorine/chloride based dairy detergents!
  3. Using a brush, lightly scrub the outside of the teats making sure to bend the teats. By bending the teats, any milk gets pushed back inside the feeder so the detergent can make contact with the inside of the teat wall.
  4. Rinse clean.
Milk Bar 1 Ezi Lock 8L – Inside Pen
$86.71 excludes taxes Add to cart